Dar Loughat is a member of the Forum on Education Abroad. Our education system adheres to the criteria held by major universities in teaching, testing, and grading. Students interested in getting their Arabic course credits transferred must get an approval from their home universities beforehand. Upon course completion, they will be given a detailed official transcript and a proficiency language certificate indicating the levels achieved along with the instructors’ comments. For details or other possible ways of transferring credits, please feel free to put us in direct contact with your student advisor or study abroad department. 

Dar Loughat is also a language school partner of Brookhaven College in Dallas, Texas. American students can systematically earn undergraduate language credit by participating in its Multinational Academic Program (MAP) for Study Abroad (http://www.brookhavencollege.edu/instruction/worldlang/map.aspx). For more information and to learn how to participate in this program, please contact bhcStudyAbroad@dcccd.edu