Videos & Student Testimonials

Student Video Testimonials

Rakeena - MSU (Michigan)
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Kara - EMU (Virginia)
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Rakeena - MSU (Michigan)

Rakeena Barnes - MSU (Michigan)

Kara - EMU (Virginia)
Kara Leigh Lofton - EMU (Virginia)
Gwendolyn - University of Chicago (U.S.A.)

Gwendolyn Aileen Bellinger - University of Chicago (U.S.A.)

Lauren - Writer (Melbourne)

Lauren Wambach - Writer (Melbourne)

Roberto - EMU (Virginia)

Roberto Wingfield - EMU (Virginia)

Student Testimonials

Stephen James Coulthart

“All was great at Dar Loughat – the word “family” comes to mind. The staff was all very friendly, caring and accommodating, yet very professional”

Stephen James Coulthart, 23 – 1st year Masters in Diplomacy and International Relations

Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA

Margaret Morelli

“I had a great time at Dar Loughat. I came not knowing any Arabic, and left feeling that I had learned quite a lot (a lot more than I thought it was possible to learn in a month!). Tetouan is a unique city, in a really interesting part of Morocco, with a culture all its own. My favorite memories of my time here will be with my wonderful host family. They taught me specific things about Islam and Moroccan culture, but through getting to know them I came to appreciate their view of the world and current events. I was a little worried about the way they would feel about an American coming to live with them, but they were really interested in my culture; we carved a Moroccan squash like a jack o later on Halloween. They taught me about their cooking, and how to dance like a Moroccan for my host sister’s birthday party.”

Margaret Morelli, 18 – Middle Eastern Studies, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA

Susan Kemp

“I chose Morocco over other Arab countries by chance but I’m so glad because people made me feel so welcome and the culture is truly fascinating. The people here are amazing. I felt as if they would do anything to help me have a good experience. I was here for a short time but they helped me make the most of it. I wish I had brought small “American” gifts to say thank you for the amazing Moroccan hospitality.”

Susan Kemp, 26 – 2nd year Masters in International Human Rights, University of Denver, Colorado, USA

Clint Hackenburg

“Before coming to Morocco, I thought that I would have to pretend to be Canadian to be safe. What I found out is that Moroccans love Americans. I received no problem or hostility in more than 3 months in Morocco. The people were very nice. At Dar Loughat, I had a great teacher who made a very difficult language fun and interesting. The price of the program is excellent. The school is much cheaper and much better than studying at an expensive institution in the US. I learned as much here in Morocco in 3 months as I did in a year at home.

Clint Hackenburg, 23 – Binghamton University, New York, USA

Elena Atkinson

“I’m really enjoying my stay in Tetouan, and the people here are very hospitable and generous. Honestly, the word hospitality is not enough to express Moroccan generosity. In Tetouan, everything is cheap, you can get a sandwich for 1$, a Tajine or a Couscous dish for 4$. The town is small and you can go wherever you want walking. I’m also enjoying Arabic classes at Dar Loughat. I like the Arabic Language and in such a short time I learned a lot of things quickly and efficiently. I had a great teacher and my stay in Morocco helped me a lot.”

Elena Atkinson, 18 – 1st year International Relations, American University, Washington DC, USA

Toshiro Sugiama

“In Dar Loughat I had great time and good lessons. In such a short time I had felt huge improvement of my Arabic. Teacher and staff of school support me very well. I chose studying Arabic in Morocco because it is safer than other Mideast countries and people are very friendly. Tetouan is very nice and different from other Moroccan cities. It is great environment to study Arabic.”

Toshiro Sugiama, 31 – Tokyo, Japan

John Berka

“Studying Arabic in Tetouan is one of the greatest things I did. When I arrived in Morocco from the United States it was a cultural shock and it took some time to adjust, Dar Loughat was with me every step of the way; the staff has always made sure I was adjusting to my new surroundings. The school is organized, professional, and has an open door policy in that one can speak to the director of the school at anytime with any questions or concerns. The people of Tetouan are the kindest and most hospitable people I have ever encountered. I always tell people they will give you the last piece of bread in their house in order to make you feel welcome. I found the experience at DAR LOUGHAT to be one of the best of my life and hope to go back soon.”

John Berka, 24 – Berlitz Language School, Chicago, USA

Izaskun De La Rua Madrazo

“Mi primer dia en Dar Loughat, llegué con esa sensacion de no tener muy claro qué es lo que te vas a encontrar. Pero la escuela se volvio casa desde el primer apreton de manos; siempre con alguien ahi para cualquier cosa que necesitara. Viviendo en un sitio en el que no conocia a nadie eso fue bastante importante para mi. Y ahi empezo mi primer contacto con el arabe. A partir de ese dia, he avanzado mucho con el arabe… 4 horas diarias de clase dan la oportunidad de aprender mucho a la vez que dejan tiempo suficiente para participar de la vida diaria. El profesorado, enamorado de su trabajo y de la posibilidad de mostrar Marruecos al exterior (personalmente, me llevaria conmigo a Bilbao a mi profe, pero él no quiere…). No me gusta lo de poner notas pero en este caso no tengo dudas: Dar Loughat se merece un sobresaliente.

Izaskun De La Rua Madrazo, 29 – Educadora Social Bilbao – Bizkaia, España

Carlos Llorens Fernandez

“Mis últimos días en Marruecos fueron maravillosos. Si debiera resumir mi viaje de alguna manera, diría que hacía mucho tiempo que no disfrutaba tanto con la hospitalidad de la gente, algo que se pierde en este Occidente. Fui muy muy feliz, con todos vosotros, con el pueblo marroquí en general, que tan bien me trató, con la gente con la que viajé en los trenes, en los buses, con todo con quien hablé en las estaciones, en las salas de espera de las estaciones de buses. Y luego con el personal del Hotel, con todas aquellas personas de los cafés, los restaurantes, el hamman “Torreta”, con todo sin excepción. No perdáis por nada del mundo vuestras maneras, tan corteses, tan humanas. En resumen tenéis un gran país, hospitalario, agradable, educado. Gracias muchas gracias por todo.”

Carlos Llorens Fernandez, 55 – Vigo, España

Ienke Keijzer

“Apprendre l’arabe au Maroc est autre chose que de l’apprendre chez soi! Appliquer ce qu’on a appris et essayer d’avoir de petites conversations dans la rue et dans les magasins … c’est très instructif et surtout très rigolo! Le Maroc est tellement plein de couleurs, d’odeurs, de bruits et de saveurs qu’on en a plein les yeux, le nez, les oreilles et la bouche … hmmmm, la tajine au poulet et pruneaux …. Je reviendrai sûrement au Maroc pour découvrir le pays un peu plus et pour continuer à baragouiner un peu en arabe.”

Ienke Keijzer, 33 – Enseignante de langues, Institut César Langues, Montpellier, France


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